Sustainable development

LTG Poland clearly declares its social responsibility and the goal of preserving natural living conditions for future generations. The corporate culture includes actions to save resources and protect the environment in the sense of a sustainable development approach as well as the continuous increase in efficiency along the entire chain of processes from sub-suppliers to customers.

The sustainable development strategy is based on 4 pillars:

Activities for the local community

We actively support initiatives in the field of corporate social responsibility, in particular, the activation of disabled people and the education of children from poor families.

Raw Materials

We only use materials that can be recycled and reused. Thanks to this, we reduce the consumption of raw materials, the resources of which are limited.


Thanks to restrictive procedures, we recycle 100% of cardboard boxes, 98% of foil and plastics, and 90% of disposable headphones.

The Reduction of Environmental Footprint

The entire fleet of the company's cars is equipped with a gas installation, thanks to which the vehicles emit 20 times less nitrogen oxides in car exhaust gases than cars with diesel engines.